
Little Tribute for Jan. 19. 2010

10 most favorited Hedy pictures?

To remember Hedy on her day, I have asked her fans to vote for their most favorite Hedy pictures and among 31 people who sent me their choices, I’m delighted to see some pictures in common. So below are 10 pictures which were mentioned the most. For all the pictures who get the same number of votes, I cast my own vote in order to be able to rank them. Note that this is only unofficial fan’s choices.

R.I.P and have fun doing whatever you want up there Hedy. Painting, inventing….whatever!

10 most favorited pictures: # 10 - the super seductive Delilah. This picture is picked by 4 people

10 most favorited pictures: # 10 - the super seductive Delilah. This picture is picked by 4 people

10 most favorited pictures: # 9 - a 1940 studio promo shot. This was picked by 6 people

10 most favorited pictures: # 9 - a 1940 studio promo shot. This was picked by 6 people

10 most favorited pictures: # 8 - one of the famous hat series. This one gets 8 votes, including mine

10 most favorited pictures: # 8 - one of the famous hat series. This one gets 8 votes, including mine

10 most favorited pictures: # 7- white goddess in pearls. This one gets 9 votes

10 most favorited pictures: # 7- white goddess in pearls. This one gets 9 votes

10 most favorited pictures: # 6- promo shot for Ziegfeld Girl. This one gets 10 votes. I'm surprised to see so many people voted for this picture, which means Ziegfeld Girl remains one of Hedy' most famous films. And she didn't have much to do in that movie

10 most favorited pictures: # 6- promo shot for Ziegfeld Girl. This one gets 10 votes. I'm surprised to see so many people voted for this picture, which means Ziegfeld Girl remains one of Hedy' most famous films. And she didn't have much to do in that movie

10 most favorited pictures: # 5 - promo picture for The Conspirators. This one gets 11 votes. I think Jenna voted this 2 times. Is it fair?

10 most favorited pictures: # 5 - promo picture for The Conspirators. This one gets 11 votes. I think Jenna voted this 2 times. Is it fair?

10 most favorited pictures: # 4 - promoshot from Crossroads. I don't like her hair in the movie and in this picture she again looks so bored. But it is a color shot. Maybe that is why it gets 14 votes

10 most favorited pictures: # 4 - promoshot from Crossroads. I don't like her hair in the movie and in this picture she again looks so bored. But it is a color shot. Maybe that is why it gets 14 votes

10 most favorited pictures: # 3 - this is one of my absolute favorites too. it's so good to see many people also like it

10 most favorited pictures: # 3 - this is one of my absolute favorites too. it's so good to see many people also like it

10 most favorited pictures: # 2 - studio shot for The Conspirators. how can you miss this gorgeous photo? this gets 17 votes!!!

10 most favorited pictures: # 2 - studio shot for The Conspirators. how can you miss this gorgeous photo? this gets 17 votes!!!

10 most favorited pictures: # 1 - Hedy Lamarr as an unglamorized girl in Tortilla Flat. Does this surprise anyone? This gets 21 votes. It's one of my very very favorite photos actually and I am sooo surprised (and glad) that many people pick it as their favorite

8 Responses to “Little Tribute for Jan. 19. 2010”

  1. 1 Jenna
    January 19, 2010 at 6:10 am

    I know I just LOVE no. 5!!! What lips!!!

  2. 3 Peter Andres
    January 19, 2010 at 7:39 am

    Too bad you don’t like Hedy’s hairstyle for the CROSSROADS photo although it was voted #4. I think she looks so elegant with it!

    By the way, An, for my play last year I originally considered having my actress wear pigtails as the TORTILLA FLAT photo. However, as the play’s performance drew near, I decided that a standard parted Hedy hairstyle would be simpler and much more recognizable.

    • January 19, 2010 at 5:46 pm

      Nah, it makes her look older. Anyhew, I still think that her face stays perfect regardless of whatever hairstyle she has. Her face is always the most magnificent thing about her looks, not her hairdo hehe.

      But hey I LOVE the her pigtail look in Tortilla Flat. Maybe you should do another play and have the actress wear pigtails 🙂

  3. 5 Peter Andres
    January 19, 2010 at 8:05 am

    Speaking of the play I directed last year, I’ll be glad to post YouTube links for those interested:


    • January 19, 2010 at 5:49 pm

      I know, great play and great director! 🙂 You should really consider being professionally in the film business, or have you already?

      By the by, when I open an “inspired by Hedy” category, I’ll put your play on :-). I wish there were more closeups of the actress though.

  4. 7 Tommy
    January 19, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    OMG! Great choices everyone! Every single picture is too beautiful for words. What a face!

    RIP Hedy! Some fellows here remember you!

  5. 8 Peter Andres
    January 19, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    I’ve considered film directing, An, but I’ll dive into it as soon as I see such an opportunity in front of me. It’s very, very hard work to become a part of the film industry. Heck, even Hedy had to play bit parts and supporting roles in several German and Austrian films before she made her big break in EKSTASE.

    As for the stupid long shot, blame it on the cameraman! Back then the theatre department used to place its camera right in the middle of one of the side aisles of this small auditorium (which is now thankfully demolished to make way for a much bigger and better theatre. This new theatre will be completed and open in the spring.)

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“Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr”

New Book will be released on July 06 this year. Get yourself a copy since there will be rare pictures

New Book will be released on July 06 this year. Get yourself a copy since there will be rare pictures

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